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Offerte lavoro della moda in Svizzera

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  • Store Manager (Head Coach) 100% - NFS Fashion Fish

    Nike Inc.

    Kindly upload your CV in English or in German AND EnglishNIKE Retail CareersJoin our NIKE TEAM in Schönenwerd! NIKE, Inc. does more than outfit the world’s best athletes. It is a place to explore potential, obliterate boundaries and push out the edges of what can be. The company looks for people...

    Schönenwerd, Solothurn 5012loading...
  • Lead Retail Associate 100% - NFS Schönenwerd

    Nike Inc.

    Nike Lead Retail Stores Associate in VollzeitNIKE, Inc. stattet nicht nur die besten Sportler der Welt aus – wir entdecken Potenziale, überwinden Grenzen und pushen bis ans Limit und darüber hinaus. Wir suchen nach Leuten, die lernen und denken, träumen und gestalten. Unsere Unternehmenskultur...

    Schönenwerd, Solothurn 5012loading...