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Offerte lavoro della moda in Svizzera

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St. Gallen
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  • Marketing Specialist (f/m/x) – Distribution EMEA Region

    Fossil Group

    Fossil is on a mission to create great watches, jewelry, handbags, small leather goods and wearables by investing in technology and long-term value creation. We do this by living into our core values - Authenticity, Grit, Curiosity, Humor, and Impact - each and every day, continually powered by...

    Grabenstätt, DEloading...
  • Key Account Manager – Distribution EMEA Region

    Fossil Group

    Fossil is on a mission to create great watches, jewelry, handbags, small leather goods and wearables by investing in technology and long-term value creation. We do this by living into our core values - Authenticity, Grit, Curiosity, Humor, and Impact - each and every day, continually powered by...

  • Marketing & POS Coordinator EMEA (w/m/d)

    Fossil Group

    Fossil hat es sich zur Aufgabe gemacht, großartige Uhren, Schmuck, Handtaschen, Kleinlederwaren und Wearables zu entwickeln, indem wir in Technologie und langfristige Wertschöpfung investieren. Wir tun dies, indem wir unsere Unternehmenswerte - Authenticity, Grit, Curiosity, Humor & Impact -...

  • Head of Sales DACH (w/m/d)

    Fossil Group

    Fossil hat es sich zur Aufgabe gemacht, großartige Uhren, Schmuck, Handtaschen, Kleinlederwaren und Wearables zu entwickeln, indem wir in Technologie und langfristige Wertschöpfung investieren. Wir tun dies, indem wir unsere Unternehmenswerte - Authenticity, Grit, Curiosity, Humor & Impact -...